1986: In the same year Mr Williams appealed to the Victorian State Goverment to compensate Ms Nichol for her loss of license and cultural tour itinerary, Steve Crabb the Minister for Tourism was convening the very 1st Cultural Tourism Meeting.
At the table was Graeme Dustan (1986 ) Convenor of the Interdepartmental Consultative Committee on Cultural Tourism. "This Committee grew out of the Cultural Policy Working Party and gathered managers of Victoria's various publicly owned cultural assets - National Parks, zoos, gardens, heritage buildings, museums, libraries, art collections, sporting facilities and so on - to formulate a cultural tourism strategy".
Check out Tom Roper's MP Minister for Transport response - Second paragraph
Interestingly enough Roper also was on these Committees: Scrutiny of Acts & Regulations committee 1992-94, Public Servants Ethical Conduct committee 1974-1976 - not that it did him much good!!
Mr Roper declined to give Ms Nichol a reference!! How dare he!! Misogny is alive and well in the Victorian Government