Penelope Nichol
comes from a well-established and influential Canadian family. She is the great granddaughter of Sir Henri Elzéar Tashereau, former Chief
Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada (1902 -1906), who is one amongst many
other notable public family members including her great uncle Cardinal Taschereau and Premier Louis Taschereau (Quebec)
She was educated at a number of private schools - including St George
School Clarens in Switzerland, Miss Spaulding`s in England, the Study and the
Beaux Arts in Canada.
In 1955 she imported to Australia her culture capital and her 1st class
education. She was fully bi-lingual in French and English and in 1971 she
generously invested herself and her Canadian capital to pioneer cultural tourism
and the introduction of mini-bus tours, being the 1st license holder for a
commercial passenger vehicle, TO 24. The business name started as Informal Tours
(1971) but was later changed to Dreamtime Tours (1976)
Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada (1902 -1906), who is one amongst many
other notable public family members including her great uncle Cardinal Taschereau and Premier Louis Taschereau (Quebec)
She was educated at a number of private schools - including St George
School Clarens in Switzerland, Miss Spaulding`s in England, the Study and the
Beaux Arts in Canada.
In 1955 she imported to Australia her culture capital and her 1st class
education. She was fully bi-lingual in French and English and in 1971 she
generously invested herself and her Canadian capital to pioneer cultural tourism
and the introduction of mini-bus tours, being the 1st license holder for a
commercial passenger vehicle, TO 24. The business name started as Informal Tours
(1971) but was later changed to Dreamtime Tours (1976)